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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC

325 Eighth Street

Huntington, WV 25701-2225

Phone (304) 523-2100

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Image of a senior man’s hands on a cane, representing retirement planning and how fitting Social Security and estate planning together requires assistance from an experienced West Virginia estate planning lawyer.

Introduction to Social Security and Estate Planning

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 02/26/2020

Many consider a key component for retirement planning to be including Social Security in your estate plan, but navigating this federal benefit program can be challenging. This blog covers the basics of this federal government retirement benefit in one of a five-piece overview of benefits for seniors. The first blog covered how to identify and incorporate employment benefits into your estate plan. Here, the focus is on Social Security and estate planning, specifically how Social Security benefits fit into your overall retirement plan.

Image of railroad tracks crisscrossing, representing the tax-strategic investment opportunities that Jenkins Fenstermaker’s WV QOZ attorneys can help you investigate and pursue.

West Virginia Roads and Loads of Opportunity: Using WV QOZ Attorneys

By Stephen J. Golder Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 01/02/2020

In this last of a four-part series, Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC, explores the myriad and varied Qualified Opportunity Zones in West Virginia, focusing in on current development projects in North Central West Virginia.

West Virginia finds itself with loads of exciting prospects with the creation of Qualified Opportunity Zones and Qualified Opportunity Funds that were established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Public Law 115-97). West Virginia's numerous US routes (US 50, 119, and 250), ease of road transportation (via I-79 and I-68), and Corridor D and Corridor H, combined with the state's assorted industries and focus on hospitality and tourism, make the Mountain State an ideal location for potential investors.

Image of a man signing an Ohio power of attorney, representing one of the many comprehensive estate planning services offered by Anna M. Price of Jenkins Fenstermaker.

Ohio Power of Attorney: The Basics

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 01/02/2020

Chances are you've heard the term "power of attorney" at some point, probably in reference to health care decisions. Although that is one type of power of attorney, it isn't the only one. This article will touch on the different types of powers of attorney and focus on the Ohio power of attorney for financial affairs.

Image of two elderly adults and a younger adult walking, representing how Anna M. Price can help you understand and get through probate in Ohio.

Why Is Choosing an OH Estate Planning Attorney Important?

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 01/02/2020

We all want financial security-for ourselves and our loved ones. If something were to happen, we want to be sure that our spouse, children, or other dependents are provided for. In Ohio (OH), take steps to gain that security by creating a comprehensive estate plan with an experienced estate planning attorney. By doing so, you and your family will know that there is a workable plan in place for the security of your family.

Wooden house cutout and three stacks of coins representing how attorney Anna M. Price of Jenkins Fenstermaker can answer questions about West Virginia inheritance tax.

A Short Guide to West Virginia Inheritance Tax

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 12/30/2019

An inheritance tax is one method states use to tax the transfer of wealth. Not to be confused with an estate tax, which is payable from the estate of the deceased, an inheritance tax is paid by a person who inherits from the deceased. For anyone who has received or is anticipating an inheritance, following is a short guide to West Virginia inheritance tax.

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