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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC

325 Eighth Street

Huntington, WV 25701-2225

Phone (304) 523-2100

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Image of a door with a question mark on it, representing uncertainty related to estate administration and probate in Kentucky and how Anna M. Price at Jenkins Fenstermaker fills the need for qualified Kentucky probate lawyers who can help.

Estate Administration and Probate in Kentucky

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 08/24/2020

Death is a natural but difficult part of life. When a loved one dies, family and close friends must deal with the emotional aspects of the loss, but there are also practical matters that have to be handled. Residents of the Bluegrass State who are involved in settling the affairs of someone who has passed away should understand the basics of estate administration and probate in Kentucky.

Image of WV COVID-19 Isolation Notices and the related West Virginia Code provision, representing how employers can rely on West Virginia employer lawyers Gary Matthews and Mike Frye for sound guidance on pandemic and general business, commercial, and labor and employment matters.

WV COVID-19 Isolation Notices for Employers

By Gary A. Matthews and Michael A FryeOf Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 08/21/2020

In a year of firsts, August 2020 has brought another one to West Virginia (WV) employers: WV COVID-19 isolation notices. Across the state, employers seek to comply with a variety of new laws providing protections regarding pandemic-related worker leave and pay while maintaining business operations. To add to the pile, some employers have begun receiving notices from their local health departments, informing of an employee who must quarantine or isolate due to exposure to or diagnosis of the novel coronavirus. West Virginia employers need to understand what an isolation notice means for them and how to proceed through this uncharted terrain.

Image of a handshake, representing how entrepreneur and M&A lawyers at Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC can help negotiate and protect your interests in restaurant M&A transactions.

Negotiating Restaurant M&A Transactions Post COVID

By Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 08/17/2020

The restaurant industry has been hit hard by stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and other safety precautions necessitated by the novel coronavirus pandemic. The impact on daily operations and the economy generally have, in turn, affected larger deals such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the industry. With the complete lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and their effect on the economy nowhere in sight, parties to restaurant M&A transactions are adjusting to the COVID-19 world by negotiating and incorporating into M&A agreements new ways to deal with the uncertainties created by the pandemic. Understanding how the pandemic has changed the approach of both buyers and sellers is essential for protecting each party’s interests.

Image of a last will and testament form, representing how Ohio probate attorney Anna M. Price of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC helps executors, administrators, and heirs navigate the Ohio probate process.

How Ohio Probate Works

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 08/13/2020

Following the loss of a loved one, we sometimes find comfort in things—possessions shared with or treasured by the person who passed. Dealing with these things may be part of the grieving process, but it is also a necessary part of wrapping up the decedent’s affairs. Legal proceedings in a probate court are often required. Understanding how Ohio probate works is critical for both the person handling the decedent’s estate and for the decedent’s heirs. Here, an experienced Ohio probate attorney gives an overview of how probate in Ohio works.

Continue reading How Ohio Probate Works

Image of handwritten notes with a laptop, representing how Anna M. Price, West Virginia probate lawyer, compassionately assists those dealing with probate in West Virginia.

The Basics on Probate in West Virginia

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 08/03/2020

When a loved one passes, picking up the pieces can be hard. Dealing with your grief can take time, but delays in wrapping up your loved one’s estate are not a good idea. Deadlines for probate filings start running on the date of death, making it essential for families to understand and successfully navigate probate in West Virginia in a timely manner. Whether your loved one left a valid will or you are without instructions on how to administer the estate, understanding the probate process in West Virginia (WV) is key to moving forward.

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