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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC

325 Eighth Street

Huntington, WV 25701-2225

Phone (304) 523-2100

Toll Free (866) 617-4736

An image of a handgun attached to a vehicle’s steering wheel, representing recent developments in WV gun laws for businesses in vehicles in parking lots and how attorney Stephen J. Golder can help you understand how these laws affect your business.

WV Gun Laws for Businesses: The Impacts of HB 4187

By Stephen J. Golder Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 11/27/2018

Significant changes were made to WV gun laws for businesses in the 2018 legislative session. House Bill 4187, an amendment to West Virginia Code §61-7-14, created the Business Liability Protection Act. The Act effectively bans businesses from restricting the rights of individuals to stow a firearm in a personal vehicle on employer property under certain circumstances.

Image of legal document providing an example of charitable estate planning as part of a last will and testament.

Charitable Estate Planning: Benefits for Both Donor and Recipient

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 11/20/2018

Whatever your age, income, or family status, you have probably heard of and considered estate planning. An estate plan ensures that the money you work so hard to earn protects and benefits your loved ones. However, another planning option you may not have considered is charitable estate planning. Charitable estate planning is a rewarding way to benefit a worthwhile charity or organization, while reaping tax benefits for you and your family both now and later.

An image of the words “subject to technical issues” written in chalk on a blackboard, representing the risks related to technical errors in WV wills and how an experienced wills, trusts, and estate planning attorney like Anna M. Price at Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC can help you avoid those errors.

Technical Errors in WV Wills: Protect Your Estate from Mistakes

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 11/13/2018

will is an important legal document that communicates your wishes about the distribution of your property after your death. In West Virginia as in most states, a will must comply with the standards set out by statute in order to be valid and enforceable. Unintentional, technical errors in WV wills can cast doubt on your intentions or even invalidate your will altogether. For that reason, it's essential to ensure that your will and other estate planning documents are well prepared and free of mistakes.

An image of a pen and a checkbox that reads ”I agree,” representing the risks for employers and others who enter into agreements that do not comply with the WV workers’ compensation fee schedule and how experienced workers’ compensation attorneys like Steven K. Wellman at Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC can help employers and insurers navigate WV workers’ compensation law.

The WV Workers’ Compensation Fee Schedule and Provider Agreements

By Steven K Wellman Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 11/09/2018

In an effort to contain medical charges for workers' compensation claims, West Virginia (WV) imposes a fee schedule for medical service providers. The WV workers' compensation fee schedule for medical reimbursements specifies the maximum amount that can be charged by a provider for a specific service.

A close-up image of a calendar, representing the importance of consulting an attorney before the time frame for challenging a WV will has run if you feel a loved one’s will is invalid or estate has been misallocated.

What Is the Time Frame for Challenging a WV Will?

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 11/06/2018

Originally, the statute of limitations for filing a will contest in West Virginia was five years. Over the last century, the West Virginia Legislature has gradually reduced that period, and the time frame for challenging a WV will is now only six months.

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