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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC

325 Eighth Street

Huntington, WV 25701-2225

Phone (304) 523-2100

Toll Free (866) 617-4736

Image of a couple holding hands who have lost a loved one, representing how Jenkins Fenstermaker attorneys can help them prepare for probate of a will in WV.

How to Prepare for Probate of a Will in WV

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 01/03/2019

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest events we deal with in life. A death can take a toll emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically on those left behind, whether in West Virginia (WV) or any other state. The last thing anyone wants to think about are legal issues that comes after death. Knowing how to prepare for probate of a will in WV can help make the process easier for the entire family.

Image of a roll of cash, an example of how you can provide for your family after you’re gone by naming a trust as an IRA beneficiary in West Virginia (WV), Kentucky (KY), or Ohio (OH).

Naming a Trust as an IRA Beneficiary: Is It Right for You?

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 12/27/2018

In planning for your family's security, you may have wondered how to pass on your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) assets in the event of your death. In some cases, you may not want a family member to receive IRA funds directly after you're gone and wonder "can an IRA be in a trust?" If you're considering naming a trust as an IRA beneficiary, that can completely alter how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats IRA distributions. Knowing the pros and cons of this estate planning strategy can help you make the best choice for your circumstances in conjunction with an experienced estate planning attorney.

An image of a stack of yellow warning signs with the “section” symbol, representing the implications of the West Virginia Opioid Reduction Act in insurance coverage such as workers’ compensation and how the workers’ compensation attorneys at Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC can help employers.

The West Virginia Opioid Reduction Act and Workers’ Compensation

By Steven K Wellman Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 12/18/2018

In the spring 2018 session of the West Virginia Legislature, the West Virginia Opioid Reduction Act was passed. The law went into effect on June 7, 2018. The Act is not a workers' compensation statute, per se, meaning that it does not state that it applies to workers' compensation, but it does not expressly exempt workers' compensation from its coverage either.

Image of lawyer presenting a year-end estate planning checklist to clients, showing the essential to-do items to make sure their overall estate plan is up-to-date.

Your Year-End Estate Planning Checklist

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 12/12/2018

You can't stop time from passing. As you are asking yourself how another year went by so quickly, take control of those things that you can control and that can give comfort and support to your loved ones: review your estate plan using this year-end estate planning checklist.

Changes in your health, your assets, or your family situation occur over the course of a year. Taking an afternoon to address what these changes mean for your estate plan can give you peace of mind in those long winter nights and provide comfort for your loved ones, too.

Image of globe plastered with flags of different nations suggesting that an international client needs expert international estate planning, and in West Virginia (WV) and Kentucky (KY), that attorney is Anna M. Price at Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC.

International Estate Planning for Individuals and Families

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 12/07/2018

The adoption of the European Parliament's European Succession Regulation in 2012 simplified estate planning in the European Union. The regulation also resolved jurisdictional and choice of law issues. Unfortunately, no single overarching law governs international estate planning for other countries, including the United States.

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