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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC

325 Eighth Street

Huntington, WV 25701-2225

Phone (304) 523-2100

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An image of an elderly couple walking down a path, representing the importance of being forward-looking in regard to estate plans and social security.

What You Need to Know about Estate Plans and Social Security

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 03/05/2019

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are both programs of the Social Security Administration (SSA). While these programs have some similarities, it is important to realize there is a difference between SSI and SSDI, especially if you are preparing your estate plans and Social Security is a possible factor.

An image of multi-colored construction helmets, representing the need for employers to be vigilant in employee safety practices to avoid WV deliberate intent claims and how an experienced labor and employment attorney like Nathanial A. Kuratomi helps employers in WV, KY, and OH.

Mitigating WV Deliberate Intent Claims and Costs

By Jenkins Fenstermaker PLLC Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 02/28/2019

In West Virginia (WV), a statutory exception allows employees or their representatives to circumvent workers' compensation immunity and file suit for monetary damages in limited circumstances. These WV deliberate intent claims can be complex and costly. A thorough comprehension of state law and the intricacies of workers' compensation in WV are needed to successfully defend deliberate intent cases.

An image of a stack of coins with a clock in the background, representing how attorney Anna M. Price of Jenkins Fenstermaker can show you the benefits of advance planning for Medicaid asset protection in WV, KY, and OH.

Medicaid Asset Protection Strategies: Fact and Fiction

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 02/26/2019

Medicaid myths and misunderstandings about long-term care coverage and Medicaid asset protection are abundant. The belief that individuals with significant financial means will never need Medicaid coverage and the idea that all assets must be exhausted before Medicaid coverage becomes an option are among these fictions.

Private payment of long-term care can quickly exhaust substantial financial resources, as mentioned in the first blog of this six-part series. But there are legal and ethical ways to preserve resources that allow the person in need of care and the remaining spouse or family to retain a quality standard of living.

An image of a female business woman next to a man covering his face with his hands, representing employers who need WV employer retaliation defense and prevention strategies.

WV Employer Retaliation Defense and Prevention

By Jenkins Fenstermaker PLLC Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 02/21/2019

West Virginia (WV) employers are required by law to provide a workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment. Solidly crafted and enforced employment policies can create a culture that values diversity and deters discrimination. However, when litigation is threatened or arises, employers in the Mountain State may need to develop a WV employer retaliation defense strategy.

Employers sometimes hesitate to take action against disruptive or difficult employees out of fear of employment retaliation cases. Proper legal preparation, guidance, and defense strategies aid in preventing retaliation claims and can eliminate the need for businesses to continue to employ non-performing or incompetent employees.

An image of an elderly couple walking a wooded path, representing the need to include long-term care and spousal Medicaid considerations in estate and elder care planning and how Jenkins Fenstermaker’s estate planning attorneys can help in WV, KY, and OH.

Spousal Medicaid Considerations for Long-Term Care Planning

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 02/19/2019

Preparing for the possibility that you will at some point require long-term care, either in a nursing facility or at home, is an often overlooked aspect of estate planning. This third blog in a series of six on the topic of long-term care planning will discuss Medicare and Medicaid coverage, as well as spousal Medicaid rules and requirements that should be taken into consideration.

The first blog of this series provided an overview of topics related to elder care planning in WV, KY, and OH, and the second presented choices and insights about long-term care insurance.

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