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Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC

325 Eighth Street

Huntington, WV 25701-2225

Phone (304) 523-2100

Toll Free (866) 617-4736

Image of group of faceless people looming and demanding; when facing the threat of a class action lawsuit, lawyers and litigants should be aware of class action rule amendments.

Class Action Rule Amendments: What You Should Know

By Jenkins Fenstermaker PLLC Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 03/21/2019

A class action may well strike fear into the heart of a corporate defendant. Instead of one lawsuit, the class action may encompass hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of persons making a claim. Lawyers on both sides of a class action also know that the stakes are high and that they must be at the top of their game. That's why both lawyers and potential class action parties need to be aware of class action rule amendments that went into effect December 1, 2018.

An image of the section symbol, representing the proposed 2019 WV workers’ compensation bills and how our workers’ compensation attorneys can help.

2019 WV Workers’ Compensation Bills: Post-Session Update

By Steven K Wellman Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 03/19/2019

A recent Jenkins Fenstermaker article provided a summary of several bills pending in the West Virginia (WV) Legislature that could have significant impacts on employers, workers' compensation insurers, and claim administrators if enacted. Most of the 2019 WV workers' compensation bills died in the legislature, so there are not many changes to report, but following is an update of the bills and their potential effect in the Mountain State.

An image of two people shaking hands, representing the need for partnerships that protect the insurance system in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio and how the WV insurance defense lawyers of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC assist insurers.

WV Insurance Defense Lawyers Help Insurers Mitigate Loss and Better Serve Clients

By Jenkins Fenstermaker PLLC Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 03/14/2019

Insurance is a valuable tool that allows people to distribute risk more broadly and prevent the financial devastation that can come with the various tragic and unpleasant situations that inevitably arise in life and business. Insurers in West Virginia (WV), and the WV insurance defense lawyers who assist them, know the importance of preventing and controlling financial losses due to fraudulent or unreasonable claims.

An image of an elderly man in a military uniform holding an American flag, representing those who have served in the US military and the veterans’ aid and attendance benefit that might be available to them with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney.

Veterans’ Aid and Attendance Benefit in Long-Term Care Plans

By Anna Melissa Price Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 03/12/2019

The tristate area of West Virginia (WV), Kentucky (KY), and Ohio (OH) is home to more than 1.3 million United States (U.S.) military veterans. Those veterans and their families should be aware that there is an aid and attendance benefit available through the US Department of Veteran's Affairs (VA) to those who qualify.

Veterans and survivors of veterans who require long-term care and meet the aid and attendance eligibility requirements can receive additional monthly pension payments to cover the costs of veterans' assistance for activities of daily living and other long-term care expenses.

An image of the profiles of two heads facing each other, one with a grey brain and one with a brightly-colored brain, representing the impact of unconscious bias in WV by limiting diversity in the workplace and how an experienced attorney can help.

Confronting Unconscious Bias in WV—A Wise Move for Employers

By Jenkins Fenstermaker PLLC Of Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC on 03/07/2019

We all have personal preferences, and sometimes we don't really know why we favor one thing over another; we just do. These subconscious inclinations impact our daily decision-making, even at work. West Virginia workplaces are affected by the bias of employees, whether it is intended or not. Unconscious bias in WV should be addressed by employers who wish to maintain a positive, diverse work environment and avoid discrimination and harassment complaints.

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